Tuesday, June 9, 2009

AlertBucks: Possible Scam Site :(

Update: After much research this morning I have found that I am not the only one (there goes my consipiracy theory). Needless to say it appears as Alertbucks is gone, I am a little upset, I know I probably won't see the payout that I requested, and that the remaining of my money is gone as well. But that is the risk we take. Thank you for all my referrals on Alertbucks!

Happy Clicking to you all!

Unfortunatly no matter how much you like a PTC, PTR, or similar type website, that does not make them not a scam.

I think we have already decided Cherry Mails is a scam. Just based on the gerneral layout and TOS of the website. As we all know it is not my style to state a website is a scam until I try it.

Needless to say, I think my beloved Alertbucks.com may be confirmed as a scam...... :( I am definetley close to the crying point. lol.

Now when I say it is a scam, I still may be wrong. I still have nto reached my payout date, but now when I try to go to the site it redirects me to clixsense.

Is this the evil doing of clixsense? Maybe.....Maybe not. I almost wonder if it is possible for Alertbucks just to redirect me (since I use the same two computers everytime), that way once I can't get into the account for 60 days or so they can inactivate me and I forfeit all my earnings..... It may be possible, may not be possible.

This is what I propose, if you are still able to get on the Alertbucks website let me know. If not let me know. I think I am going to try a different computer and see if maybe that works. Needless to say, I think the Alertbucks reign has ended.

No matter, that is the whole reason I started this blog, to weed out the scams from experience, not from just looking at the site and deciding it was one. Again if anybody has been able to get into the site please let me know.

As always leave comments, or send an e-mail sdodson0810@gmail.com

Happy Clicking



  1. Sorry to inform you....please take a look at :

    They say have a probe rich ptc is a scam

  2. Thank you Jose, I have seen this. Unfortunatly these people have not joined the program. I looking for hard evidence, I want to find somebody who has clicked their way to $1000, and then either recieved payment or didn't. I have yet to find this person....
