What is a referal?
You are a referal when you sign up under someone's referal link. With some sites that person you signed up under will earn when you earn. It helps them build their balance up. It is a type of thank you for showing me this site type of thing.
What if I don't sign up as a referal?
If you don't sign up as a referal chances are you will be "bought" or "rented" anyway, so why not sign up under somebody who helped you get to that site, or you can use it as an exchange. If you found a site that you want to join, you can find somebody who is a memeber, and have them sign up as one of your referals on a site you already use. The good thing about this is that person wants an active referal, so they will stay active for you.
When I first started with PTC, and PTR sites, I didn't sign up under anybody. I was getting aggrivated because it was so hard to sift through what sites were a scam and what were not, just because people wanted referals. After a couple months I now understand. I still see some people out there that are trying to get referals no matter if the site is legit or not, basically because they don't know if it is or not.
I have personally made a commitment to my downlines that if a site does not pay me than I will let them know right away. There is no reason to keep clicking and having everybody waste their time. Maybe with this trust they will follow you to another site. Its an interesting concept, but we are all here to make money, its not like we are competeting, so why not help each other out??
As you can see with my posts I do not only mention the goods of the sites but the bads as well. I want you to be able to make your own informed decision about weather you want to join the site or not. I let you know if I have been paid, requested payment or what not. While I know you can trust me, and some of you know you can trust me....trust is a hard thing to come by. But dealing with these types of sites we have to be able to trust somebody.
As I try to end this post I say this. No matter what you become somebodies referal. So why not become the person who showed you the site, and took the time to write about it, referal? This shows them that their efforts are not unnoticed, and you can tell by their posts if you trust them or not.
As always if you have an questions or comments, please feel free to let me know!! Any Special requests, we would like to know those as well.
Happy Clicking everybody!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Okay now that we are back on track....
I signed up under this website on 05/17/09 under a referal. I am typically a very active downline person (don't know the correct lingo yet, lol). I go to all the websites that I was refered to first in the day, and click all the adds possible on all of them. This of coarse takes up a lot of my time, but hey Kharma is a wonderful thing, and I hope that in turn, my downline will be active. Okay back to the website.
This website did not grab my attention at first, of coarse after your a member of one so many, you tend to just click the ads, get the money and sign out. Today when I opened up my e-mail I received an e-mail from PayPal stating that I have had a deposit into my account. Although I was happy, I was still mildly confused. Considering the pregnancy and I have blonde hair (!!!), this is not uncommon lol. (no offense to any blondes, I have learned to make fun of it before others can). YouData has been pushed from my mind completely, but they made payment. Which now means they are in front of the line when it comes to these types of sites.
What is YouData?
YouData is extremely similar to a PTC site.
The differences:
1) The ads you see are based on your profile.
There are different surveys that you fill out which help you data show you ads that are meant for you. This is good in that most of the stuff you look at is stuff that may actually interest you. This is bad because it limits the amounts of ads you get to see.
2) You get paid for 2 seperate things.
There are two parts to getting paid, when you sign in to youdata, it will tell you if you have any ads available to look at. I only average about 3-4 a day, some days I haven't seen any (probably through fault of my own). When you do, you will go to your ad viewer. It will list the the ads for you, it just says the name of them and how much you get paid for looking at them. You will hit the reveal ads button, when you do this you get .05 (you actually get this much, not .0005) for every banner that appears, then you click on each banner and you get a different amount depending on the advertiser. The smallest amount I got was .09 and the most I got was .15.
3)There is not a time limit to view the ads.
This is self explanitory, you don't have to view the ad for 30 seconds or 40 seconds, and you can view all of the ads at the same time. Of coarse this isn't fair to them, but they pop up in the same window for me, so its easier to close one down and look at the next, rather than go back and forth clicking.
The Goods of YouData
YouData does not have a minimum payout, and they pay you automatically every friday. No matter how much you have in your account they will send it to your PayPal. Of coarse if you have .06 in your account, they take that as a fee to transfer to PayPal so don't count on it. The ads are actually of interest and are not all spam that you get tired of looking at after a while. They have an ad player that can be downloaded on to your desktop so you don't have to go to the website. Its nifty and I like it.
The Bads of YouData
YouData is still a fairly new site from what I understand. Meaning they are still trying to get advertisers. So there aren't many ads to click on. (hopefully the more people that sign up with YouData will convince more advertisers). Of coarse the whole .06 charge kind of sucks if your balance is really low, but after about $1 you don't really seem to notice.
Would I Recommend?
Definitley! Of coarse I say this because I have been paid by them. I hate saying yes I fully recommend this site when I haven't received payment, only becuase I am trying to save you time as well, and recommending you to a site that has not paid out, could be a waste of your time. As we all know PTC sites and the similar take a lot of time, and you make very little money doing it. I myself have become addicted to figuring out which ones are good and which ones are bad. This one gets 5 stars in my book. For right now of coarse. I have heard of sites that stop paying at some point, we will of coarse continue to monitor.
As always your comments and questions are welcome. You can either comment straight to the blog or send me an email at sdodson0810@gmail.com I will respond as soon as possible.
Click the YouData.com Hyperlink at the beginning of the post to Check out or Join.
As always if you join, and are active I will more than happily join one of your programs. I have actually stopped signing up for programs to be sure that I would be able to do everything by referal only. Please read my blog on why signing up under a referal is so important.
Paid to date: $3.39 (06/01)
Account Balance: .35 (06/01)
Minimum payout: none
Payment Method: Paypal
Payment requested? N/A Payments sent every week
Downline: 0
I signed up under this website on 05/17/09 under a referal. I am typically a very active downline person (don't know the correct lingo yet, lol). I go to all the websites that I was refered to first in the day, and click all the adds possible on all of them. This of coarse takes up a lot of my time, but hey Kharma is a wonderful thing, and I hope that in turn, my downline will be active. Okay back to the website.
This website did not grab my attention at first, of coarse after your a member of one so many, you tend to just click the ads, get the money and sign out. Today when I opened up my e-mail I received an e-mail from PayPal stating that I have had a deposit into my account. Although I was happy, I was still mildly confused. Considering the pregnancy and I have blonde hair (!!!), this is not uncommon lol. (no offense to any blondes, I have learned to make fun of it before others can). YouData has been pushed from my mind completely, but they made payment. Which now means they are in front of the line when it comes to these types of sites.
What is YouData?
YouData is extremely similar to a PTC site.
The differences:
1) The ads you see are based on your profile.
There are different surveys that you fill out which help you data show you ads that are meant for you. This is good in that most of the stuff you look at is stuff that may actually interest you. This is bad because it limits the amounts of ads you get to see.
2) You get paid for 2 seperate things.
There are two parts to getting paid, when you sign in to youdata, it will tell you if you have any ads available to look at. I only average about 3-4 a day, some days I haven't seen any (probably through fault of my own). When you do, you will go to your ad viewer. It will list the the ads for you, it just says the name of them and how much you get paid for looking at them. You will hit the reveal ads button, when you do this you get .05 (you actually get this much, not .0005) for every banner that appears, then you click on each banner and you get a different amount depending on the advertiser. The smallest amount I got was .09 and the most I got was .15.
3)There is not a time limit to view the ads.
This is self explanitory, you don't have to view the ad for 30 seconds or 40 seconds, and you can view all of the ads at the same time. Of coarse this isn't fair to them, but they pop up in the same window for me, so its easier to close one down and look at the next, rather than go back and forth clicking.
The Goods of YouData
YouData does not have a minimum payout, and they pay you automatically every friday. No matter how much you have in your account they will send it to your PayPal. Of coarse if you have .06 in your account, they take that as a fee to transfer to PayPal so don't count on it. The ads are actually of interest and are not all spam that you get tired of looking at after a while. They have an ad player that can be downloaded on to your desktop so you don't have to go to the website. Its nifty and I like it.
The Bads of YouData
YouData is still a fairly new site from what I understand. Meaning they are still trying to get advertisers. So there aren't many ads to click on. (hopefully the more people that sign up with YouData will convince more advertisers). Of coarse the whole .06 charge kind of sucks if your balance is really low, but after about $1 you don't really seem to notice.
Would I Recommend?
Definitley! Of coarse I say this because I have been paid by them. I hate saying yes I fully recommend this site when I haven't received payment, only becuase I am trying to save you time as well, and recommending you to a site that has not paid out, could be a waste of your time. As we all know PTC sites and the similar take a lot of time, and you make very little money doing it. I myself have become addicted to figuring out which ones are good and which ones are bad. This one gets 5 stars in my book. For right now of coarse. I have heard of sites that stop paying at some point, we will of coarse continue to monitor.
As always your comments and questions are welcome. You can either comment straight to the blog or send me an email at sdodson0810@gmail.com I will respond as soon as possible.
Click the YouData.com Hyperlink at the beginning of the post to Check out or Join.
As always if you join, and are active I will more than happily join one of your programs. I have actually stopped signing up for programs to be sure that I would be able to do everything by referal only. Please read my blog on why signing up under a referal is so important.
Paid to date: $3.39 (06/01)
Account Balance: .35 (06/01)
Minimum payout: none
Payment Method: Paypal
Payment requested? N/A Payments sent every week
Downline: 0
Easy money,
Online Money,
Thank You!
I would like to take this moment to thank everybody who has been reading my blog. I didn't think anybody was. I was of coarse getting discouraged thinking I was wasting my time. But Alas, I was so shocked to sign in this morning (after not thinking about the blog for a while) to find I actually had comments. I apologize to all of you now, for not keeping up with this niftly little blog. Now that I know for a fact that I do indeed have readers I will be sure to maintain and update with new information daily.
We all know times are tough, and we all need to make ends meet. But our time is valuable as well. Many of us don't have time to waste trying to figure out if things are a scam or not. Hopefully through this blog I can help alot of people save a lot of valuable time. I have decided to not only review money making opportunities but some products as well. We not only need to make money, but save Money. If a product doesn't work is it really worth it to waste your money on it? Of coarse not. But its hard to find unbiased reviews these days.
Again I want to thank all of you for showing me the light, and letting me know that my efforts are not unnoticed. Please keep reading. Let me know what you like and don't like, and if there is anything you are kind of iffy on and would like me to review.
We all know times are tough, and we all need to make ends meet. But our time is valuable as well. Many of us don't have time to waste trying to figure out if things are a scam or not. Hopefully through this blog I can help alot of people save a lot of valuable time. I have decided to not only review money making opportunities but some products as well. We not only need to make money, but save Money. If a product doesn't work is it really worth it to waste your money on it? Of coarse not. But its hard to find unbiased reviews these days.
Again I want to thank all of you for showing me the light, and letting me know that my efforts are not unnoticed. Please keep reading. Let me know what you like and don't like, and if there is anything you are kind of iffy on and would like me to review.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Cherrymails.Com STAY AWAY!-updated 06/25/09
As per my earlier post, I am looking for more paid to read sites to supplement my growing income. In my quest I have found two new sites. I will talk about the other one in a later post, as I am still with them.
Cherrymails.com, is the main one I want to talk about in this post. First off let’s just start with a large stay away! At first they look like a regular Paid to Read site. The front page was a little confusing this is what it states
Get paid to read, click
All Emails 100$, All PTCs 50$
Signup bonus 1000$, Ref bonus 500$
3 Referral levels: 38% 10% 5%
Minimum payout150,000$ for upgrade members
Fast redemptions For Honest Members
ADS will be processed within 48 hours
International members are welcome
First off, a sign up bonus of $1000? But a cash out of $150,000 (for upgrade members be sure to read that part). Going back to teenage years here, “as if”. It automatically looks like a scam. Getting paid $100 to read an e-mail, and $50 to click? I thought I was doing well with the $1 click from rich PTC’s.
Now we all know me (unless this is the first post you have read), I have nothing to lose but time, and I don’t like judging without trying.
Signing up was basically the same as all the other sites. Wanting to play a little bit, I found the PTC link. Clicked on that, viola 3 adds ready for me to click. Click on them for what they said was to be 40 seconds each, and I would receive……8000 cents? Seriously, that’s what it said.
First of all I am so upset that they are not 50$ (?) like the title page states, what am I going to do with 8000 pennies? Gosh, I am going to need A LOT of penny rollers. Its money none the less.
At this point I believe that this nifty little website was made in a different country (not china), that definitely did not know what they were doing. But hey, I am glad to help someone out. I click on all three ads for a total of 24000 cents.
Right now I am a little excited only because I remember that there is a new corner store on my street that sells gum for .01. So I am guaranteed at least 23000 pieces by the time tax is taken out.
I try to find out what my balance is after this, just incase I did my math wrong….only to find out no balance button. My next resort the withdraw button, I would like to know how much I need in order to cash out. Just like it said 150,000$ (?) For UPGRADED members only. That doesn’t mean that you need more to cash out if you are a non upgraded member, you just plain don’t get to cash out. The site is very disorganized and hard to navigate, and you can tell whomever created it should have named its nutzmails, because they are definitely crazy.
Needless to say I canceled my account; they were very polite in saying sorry to see you go. I could almost see one of the cherries crying, I am not sure if it was because I was leaving or because they had to roll 24000 pennies.
Pros: the cherries were very cute!
Cons: I don’t have a purse big enough for 24000 cents. The dollar sign behind the number is aggravating, and confusing for a young mind.
Take it for what you will, I would not join this site, even if I was going to get 500$ for my mom and if she was going to split it with me..
It seems I was mistaken, and I shot down Cherry mails to quick. I believe I was called and idiot and a scammer trying to lure my readers away from Cherry Mails, hmmm.. apparently somebody has received payment from them. I only wish I wouldn't have rejected the comment, and had posted it. Either way, we will start over with Cherry Mails, and give them a fair fighting chance. Of coarse stay posted and I will let you know my findings.
Cherrymails.com, is the main one I want to talk about in this post. First off let’s just start with a large stay away! At first they look like a regular Paid to Read site. The front page was a little confusing this is what it states
Get paid to read, click
All Emails 100$, All PTCs 50$
Signup bonus 1000$, Ref bonus 500$
3 Referral levels: 38% 10% 5%
Minimum payout150,000$ for upgrade members
Fast redemptions For Honest Members
ADS will be processed within 48 hours
International members are welcome
First off, a sign up bonus of $1000? But a cash out of $150,000 (for upgrade members be sure to read that part). Going back to teenage years here, “as if”. It automatically looks like a scam. Getting paid $100 to read an e-mail, and $50 to click? I thought I was doing well with the $1 click from rich PTC’s.
Now we all know me (unless this is the first post you have read), I have nothing to lose but time, and I don’t like judging without trying.
Signing up was basically the same as all the other sites. Wanting to play a little bit, I found the PTC link. Clicked on that, viola 3 adds ready for me to click. Click on them for what they said was to be 40 seconds each, and I would receive……8000 cents? Seriously, that’s what it said.
First of all I am so upset that they are not 50$ (?) like the title page states, what am I going to do with 8000 pennies? Gosh, I am going to need A LOT of penny rollers. Its money none the less.
At this point I believe that this nifty little website was made in a different country (not china), that definitely did not know what they were doing. But hey, I am glad to help someone out. I click on all three ads for a total of 24000 cents.
Right now I am a little excited only because I remember that there is a new corner store on my street that sells gum for .01. So I am guaranteed at least 23000 pieces by the time tax is taken out.
I try to find out what my balance is after this, just incase I did my math wrong….only to find out no balance button. My next resort the withdraw button, I would like to know how much I need in order to cash out. Just like it said 150,000$ (?) For UPGRADED members only. That doesn’t mean that you need more to cash out if you are a non upgraded member, you just plain don’t get to cash out. The site is very disorganized and hard to navigate, and you can tell whomever created it should have named its nutzmails, because they are definitely crazy.
Needless to say I canceled my account; they were very polite in saying sorry to see you go. I could almost see one of the cherries crying, I am not sure if it was because I was leaving or because they had to roll 24000 pennies.
Pros: the cherries were very cute!
Cons: I don’t have a purse big enough for 24000 cents. The dollar sign behind the number is aggravating, and confusing for a young mind.
Take it for what you will, I would not join this site, even if I was going to get 500$ for my mom and if she was going to split it with me..
It seems I was mistaken, and I shot down Cherry mails to quick. I believe I was called and idiot and a scammer trying to lure my readers away from Cherry Mails, hmmm.. apparently somebody has received payment from them. I only wish I wouldn't have rejected the comment, and had posted it. Either way, we will start over with Cherry Mails, and give them a fair fighting chance. Of coarse stay posted and I will let you know my findings.
Rich PTC, Found SCAM!!
Yesterday after getting finished with my last posting, I continued on my quest to make some sort of money. I stumbled on another PTC site (which have recently become my favorites) called Rich PTC (http://www.richptc.com/index.php?ref=sdodson0809). This site definitely first caught my eye due to the fact of they are offering $1 for every add you view and $10 for every website you sign up for. :o Definitely deserves OH face, considering all the other PTC sites I have come upon have offered pennies, and some not even full pennies.
I signed up yesterday, partly out of curiosity and partly out of excitement. I was automatically greeted with 6 adds. GREAT!! I made $6 in 6 min. Realizing this I had to know what the minimum payout was…..$1000…..hmmm little bit of a downer. Instead of getting discouraged I applied the thinking I used with all the other sites.
Stick with it, and when you finally reach the payout, that will be extra money you have just sitting there. WONDERFUL!!!
Seriously who couldn’t need $1000 all the time??
So sticking with it, yesterday I made six dollars, today so far I have made $14. Which puts my account balance at $20 so far for 2 days. So far no shortage of adds to click on. And I have a sign-up, which I will complete when I get home, for $10. That should put my account balance at $30. AWESOME!!!!!
Then a little birdie jumped in my ear, what if they don’t pay when I reach the $1000? Using my Google knowledge I searched for scams on them. I want hard proof that they are either good or bad, not just talk. All I was able to find was a bunch of people saying they were on their proof of payment list, but didn’t even belong to the website. HMM VERY Fishy. I could not however, find anybody who was actually with the website that has requested payment.
In further searching I found their terms page, (should have looked at this first but you know). Some things really concerned me with this page. For starters their Liability Restrictions (below)
Liability : Richptc.com will not be liable for delays or failure in performance caused by acts of God, war, terrorism, strike, labor dispute, work stoppage, fire, act of government, or any other cause, whether similar or dissimilar, beyond our control. Richptc.com reserves the right to restrict, alter, or modify fees, benefits, rules, regulations, special offers, membership terms and conditions or terminate services any time and without notice. Richptc.com, its subsidiaries, affiliates and agents are not responsible for any products and services of other program participating companies or partners.
What exactly does acts of god entail? And the fact that they can can terminate services at any time without notice? Does this mean they can cancel my account right as I reach $1000, without paying me? And they reserve the right to modify fees, and rules, and such? This all of coarse put a hole in my stomach. Only because I am young, and I am just thinking of the array of things all of this could mean.
Another part that concerned me is the Payment part (listed below):
You can request payment with your account balance has reached $1,000. Payments are made via PayPal or Alertpay only. Payment waiting time is 60 business day(s). All earnings listed and/or represented by Richptc.com are estimated value(s), actual value(s) subject to change with or without notice.
My only question to this is why 60 BUSINESS days, and what happens if the website folds within those 60 days? Or worse if they terminate my services without notice?
Unfortunatly like I said I have not found hard proof of good or bad. I am of coarse going to be checking at least every other day, waiting for just one person to reach that payout point. Until then I am going to press on, we’ll see if I get my payment or not. I will NOT be upgrading UNLESS I get my payment.
Joining this one (as with all of them) is up to you. If you join, you help reach the $1000 mark, and we can find out quicker. If not you may save yourself some time and wasted excitement. I am not recommending this one either way, but will frequently posting updates.

Cons: Unable to find any real good or bad info on them. A little iffy about their policy. When I say REAL good or bad info, I mean I want somebody who actually joined the site, made it to the $1000, and then requested payment. Not people who looked at the site and said no this looks scammy, because honestly, I think all the PTC sites look scammy, who would have thought you could make money by clicking ads?? I am willing to waste my time to know for sure.
Pros: Dollar clicks, $10 sign ups, so far new adds every day. 6 adds first day, 8 adds second day (so far)
Joined 05/07/09
Account Balance-$87 (06/01/09)
Minimum Cash out-$1000
Payment Method: Paypal or Alertbucks
Paid: $0 (06/01)
Requested Payment: No
Downline: 0

Update 06/26/09: Uh-Oh readers it seems RichPTC is down due to upgrading to a more powerful server, and should be back in 12 hours. We will see, but this is usually when they go and go for good. I will keep close eye.....
I signed up yesterday, partly out of curiosity and partly out of excitement. I was automatically greeted with 6 adds. GREAT!! I made $6 in 6 min. Realizing this I had to know what the minimum payout was…..$1000…..hmmm little bit of a downer. Instead of getting discouraged I applied the thinking I used with all the other sites.
Stick with it, and when you finally reach the payout, that will be extra money you have just sitting there. WONDERFUL!!!
Seriously who couldn’t need $1000 all the time??
So sticking with it, yesterday I made six dollars, today so far I have made $14. Which puts my account balance at $20 so far for 2 days. So far no shortage of adds to click on. And I have a sign-up, which I will complete when I get home, for $10. That should put my account balance at $30. AWESOME!!!!!
Then a little birdie jumped in my ear, what if they don’t pay when I reach the $1000? Using my Google knowledge I searched for scams on them. I want hard proof that they are either good or bad, not just talk. All I was able to find was a bunch of people saying they were on their proof of payment list, but didn’t even belong to the website. HMM VERY Fishy. I could not however, find anybody who was actually with the website that has requested payment.
In further searching I found their terms page, (should have looked at this first but you know). Some things really concerned me with this page. For starters their Liability Restrictions (below)
Liability : Richptc.com will not be liable for delays or failure in performance caused by acts of God, war, terrorism, strike, labor dispute, work stoppage, fire, act of government, or any other cause, whether similar or dissimilar, beyond our control. Richptc.com reserves the right to restrict, alter, or modify fees, benefits, rules, regulations, special offers, membership terms and conditions or terminate services any time and without notice. Richptc.com, its subsidiaries, affiliates and agents are not responsible for any products and services of other program participating companies or partners.
What exactly does acts of god entail? And the fact that they can can terminate services at any time without notice? Does this mean they can cancel my account right as I reach $1000, without paying me? And they reserve the right to modify fees, and rules, and such? This all of coarse put a hole in my stomach. Only because I am young, and I am just thinking of the array of things all of this could mean.
Another part that concerned me is the Payment part (listed below):
You can request payment with your account balance has reached $1,000. Payments are made via PayPal or Alertpay only. Payment waiting time is 60 business day(s). All earnings listed and/or represented by Richptc.com are estimated value(s), actual value(s) subject to change with or without notice.
My only question to this is why 60 BUSINESS days, and what happens if the website folds within those 60 days? Or worse if they terminate my services without notice?
Unfortunatly like I said I have not found hard proof of good or bad. I am of coarse going to be checking at least every other day, waiting for just one person to reach that payout point. Until then I am going to press on, we’ll see if I get my payment or not. I will NOT be upgrading UNLESS I get my payment.
Joining this one (as with all of them) is up to you. If you join, you help reach the $1000 mark, and we can find out quicker. If not you may save yourself some time and wasted excitement. I am not recommending this one either way, but will frequently posting updates.
Cons: Unable to find any real good or bad info on them. A little iffy about their policy. When I say REAL good or bad info, I mean I want somebody who actually joined the site, made it to the $1000, and then requested payment. Not people who looked at the site and said no this looks scammy, because honestly, I think all the PTC sites look scammy, who would have thought you could make money by clicking ads?? I am willing to waste my time to know for sure.
Pros: Dollar clicks, $10 sign ups, so far new adds every day. 6 adds first day, 8 adds second day (so far)
Joined 05/07/09
Account Balance-$87 (06/01/09)
Minimum Cash out-$1000
Payment Method: Paypal or Alertbucks
Paid: $0 (06/01)
Requested Payment: No
Downline: 0
Update 06/26/09: Uh-Oh readers it seems RichPTC is down due to upgrading to a more powerful server, and should be back in 12 hours. We will see, but this is usually when they go and go for good. I will keep close eye.....
Easy money,
No Scam,
Online Money,
PTC sites,
work from home
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Is it worth it, PTR Sites?
I keep wondering if all the time I am putting into these various sites is actually worth it. I need the money...I always need the money, but it seems as if I am going to have to work forever to make the money. I am not opposed to putting an effort forth, but .02 here and there, is it worth it?
I have decided to stay away from the survey sites, and put the get paid to (GPT) sites on hold. The survey sites seem to easily be a scam. I have taken some surveys where they would ask me 50 questions (45 min worth), and then tell me I wasn't eligible to take the survey. So there I wasted 45 min. Needless to say, they could have given me the survey and then just said that I wasn't eligible to take it becuase they didn't want to pay. Either way they seem to be a waste of time.
My main focus right now is PTC (paid to click), PTR (paid to read), and PTP (paid to post), and refferal sites. I will eventually go back to the other sites, but I would like to see how much time it will take me to reach the minimum payout on these sites. These ones seem to be the easiest to do. I am not sure about the refferal sits yet, still doing some experimenting to really understand them.
The PTC, PTR, and PTP sites are pretty self explanitory, and easy. However these are the ones that are a couple sites here and there. As far as PTR, I have signed up for inbox dollars and send earnings. So far I like these to, I won't be getting paid anytime soon as their minimum payout is $30, but the work I do for them is very minimalistic.
Inbox Dollars, and Send Earning both send me about 2 emails a day. I read the e-mail, and hit the confirm read e-mail button. Each e-mail is .02, I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but .08 a day just for hitting a button? Eventually the balance will get up there, and before I know it there will be $60 sitting there waiting for me to use. On both of these sites they offered get to know you surveys. These surveys I did take, and each one was worth .25-.75. They also offer other surveys (the ones I am not fond of). I have taken many of the surveys on both sites, but only been paid for one. Again a waste of time, in my opinion of coarse. Right now the balance on both sites is $6 something and $7 something. Inbox dollars has the highest balance. Honestly if you do the math, and you only read the e-mails it will take about a year to make the $30 minimum payout. So if you sign up for them, and then forget about them. In about a year from now thats an extra $60 you will have to do whatever with. Not really good incentive is it, I guess thats why you need refferals.
As I have said I am checking out some of the refferal sites as we speak. I also plan on signing up for other Paid to Read sites, I would like to get up to about 5, and work my way up. I will eventually be able to tell which ones are the best and not so much.
On another note, There are other things you can get paid to do on SendEarnings and Inbox dollars. There are cash offers, where you complete offers for money again some free trials, sign ups..etc. There are also cashback shopping. If you do a lot of shopping on line, or know that you will have to buy a present for somebody soon, you may want to check this out. and my favorite paid to play games. My state unfortunatly does not allow you to play games for money, but for those states that do, this is a great fun way to earn some cash.
Overall review:
Each site is easy money. Of coarse you can't get rich off of them but you can make something.
Both sites are free to join, and both have a referral program. Good for the working person, or the stay at home person. Each e-mail takes about 3-4 seconds to read. Not bad.
Definitley recommended!!
Referral links:

As always if you have anyquestions please email me at sdodson0810@gmail.com with "question" in the subject line.
I have decided to stay away from the survey sites, and put the get paid to (GPT) sites on hold. The survey sites seem to easily be a scam. I have taken some surveys where they would ask me 50 questions (45 min worth), and then tell me I wasn't eligible to take the survey. So there I wasted 45 min. Needless to say, they could have given me the survey and then just said that I wasn't eligible to take it becuase they didn't want to pay. Either way they seem to be a waste of time.
My main focus right now is PTC (paid to click), PTR (paid to read), and PTP (paid to post), and refferal sites. I will eventually go back to the other sites, but I would like to see how much time it will take me to reach the minimum payout on these sites. These ones seem to be the easiest to do. I am not sure about the refferal sits yet, still doing some experimenting to really understand them.
The PTC, PTR, and PTP sites are pretty self explanitory, and easy. However these are the ones that are a couple sites here and there. As far as PTR, I have signed up for inbox dollars and send earnings. So far I like these to, I won't be getting paid anytime soon as their minimum payout is $30, but the work I do for them is very minimalistic.
Inbox Dollars, and Send Earning both send me about 2 emails a day. I read the e-mail, and hit the confirm read e-mail button. Each e-mail is .02, I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but .08 a day just for hitting a button? Eventually the balance will get up there, and before I know it there will be $60 sitting there waiting for me to use. On both of these sites they offered get to know you surveys. These surveys I did take, and each one was worth .25-.75. They also offer other surveys (the ones I am not fond of). I have taken many of the surveys on both sites, but only been paid for one. Again a waste of time, in my opinion of coarse. Right now the balance on both sites is $6 something and $7 something. Inbox dollars has the highest balance. Honestly if you do the math, and you only read the e-mails it will take about a year to make the $30 minimum payout. So if you sign up for them, and then forget about them. In about a year from now thats an extra $60 you will have to do whatever with. Not really good incentive is it, I guess thats why you need refferals.
As I have said I am checking out some of the refferal sites as we speak. I also plan on signing up for other Paid to Read sites, I would like to get up to about 5, and work my way up. I will eventually be able to tell which ones are the best and not so much.
On another note, There are other things you can get paid to do on SendEarnings and Inbox dollars. There are cash offers, where you complete offers for money again some free trials, sign ups..etc. There are also cashback shopping. If you do a lot of shopping on line, or know that you will have to buy a present for somebody soon, you may want to check this out. and my favorite paid to play games. My state unfortunatly does not allow you to play games for money, but for those states that do, this is a great fun way to earn some cash.
Overall review:
Each site is easy money. Of coarse you can't get rich off of them but you can make something.
Both sites are free to join, and both have a referral program. Good for the working person, or the stay at home person. Each e-mail takes about 3-4 seconds to read. Not bad.
Definitley recommended!!
Referral links:
As always if you have anyquestions please email me at sdodson0810@gmail.com with "question" in the subject line.
Easy money,
Inbox Dollars,
PTC sites,
PTR sites,
Send Earnings,
work from home
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Project Payday
There are so many work from home, and make money online programs on the web today, it is hard to decide which ones are for real, and which ones are not. Which ones are really worth the money and time you are putting into them. Can you really make money when you need it from them? I am here to let you know about different ones that I have tried.
One of the first ones I have tried is Project Payday. Project Payday shows you how to make money using IFW's. You do not need Project Payday for this, but they do walk you through it. With in the first day I did make $50, I spent about $20 to make that, so a profit of $30 isn't bad at all. However this was just a training trade.
There are two ways IFW's work. One is "going Green" this is where you are paid by a certain person, or website to "go green" for them. The way you go green is complete offers on the website. Some are trial offers, some are website sign-ups, and there are other things.
The second way to make money with IFW's is to pay for people to go green. This is supposed to be where the real money is. This one is more work, you have to find people that will go green for you. Project Payday helps with this, they help you find the people.
The start up cost for this website is to complete an offer, the offer I completed was for $1.97, for auction mentor. It was a 14 day trial. I canceled it in time, but did actually try it out. This is a must. It is only fair to actually try the products you sign up for. If you don't like it, cancel before your trial ends. If you do, keep it. Either way check the fine print to be sure when you have to cancel by, how much it will cost if its not canceled, and if there are any specific instructions. One product I signed up for, had to be back in the factory by the cancel date. Luckily I read that. Again be sure to actually try the products you sign up for. I have decided to not only try them, but review them on my post.
You can also sign up for the website for a one time fee of $30-$40 again, you don't need this website to make money this way, but it does help a little bit.
Is the time spent worth the money paid out?
This really depends on which part you are doing. If you are being paid to go green it depends on who you are being paid by. Some people only offer you what the website would offer you. Others offer more. The problem with this is if you choose to trade with a person who pays little or the website pays little, you don't really make a profit. On my second trade, I hade to get 100 credits in order t go green. This evened out to be about 5 offers. It took me about 2 hours to complete all five offers. This of coarse is stopping in between, and you have to be sure to clear your cookies, or they will not credit. Some offers credit instantly, and some do not. On the five of those offers I spent $29 in shipping and handling to go green. I was paid $30 to go green. This gives me $1 profit to go green. So all together in 3 hours (from the first trade I did) I made $31.
Is there a risk?
Yes, as with almost all of these making money sites there is a risk. You need your credit card and correct information for most of the offers.
Possibly, I wouldn't turn it down right away. Money is guaranteed to be made, it just how much time you have to dedicate to it. Of coarse they say time is money. The links are below, one is to the Project Payday website, if you choose you can look around, and sign up or not.
If you choose to skip the project payday and you would like to check into first, the link to one of these sites is below.
I am offering $45 for going green. This should give you a $15 profit, or more depending on which offers you complete. This will show you how the process is done, guarantee you profit, and you are making no commitments. You will also have me through the whole process for support an help.
Project Payday Webite- http://www.projectpayday.com/go/2025128
Referral Link straight to IFW website-http://golf.zbestfreebies.com/?referral=3448
You will want to sent up a paypal account. This is free and easy to do. This prevents anybody from getting your personal information that should not have it.
Another good program to download is roboform. If you don't already have it, its free, and has become my best friend. It will automatically fill out the forms for you, it makes the process alot faster.
Please look forward to future posts about products, life, and other reviews. Thank you for taking the time to read. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to email me at sdodson0810@gmail.com
One of the first ones I have tried is Project Payday. Project Payday shows you how to make money using IFW's. You do not need Project Payday for this, but they do walk you through it. With in the first day I did make $50, I spent about $20 to make that, so a profit of $30 isn't bad at all. However this was just a training trade.
There are two ways IFW's work. One is "going Green" this is where you are paid by a certain person, or website to "go green" for them. The way you go green is complete offers on the website. Some are trial offers, some are website sign-ups, and there are other things.
The second way to make money with IFW's is to pay for people to go green. This is supposed to be where the real money is. This one is more work, you have to find people that will go green for you. Project Payday helps with this, they help you find the people.
The start up cost for this website is to complete an offer, the offer I completed was for $1.97, for auction mentor. It was a 14 day trial. I canceled it in time, but did actually try it out. This is a must. It is only fair to actually try the products you sign up for. If you don't like it, cancel before your trial ends. If you do, keep it. Either way check the fine print to be sure when you have to cancel by, how much it will cost if its not canceled, and if there are any specific instructions. One product I signed up for, had to be back in the factory by the cancel date. Luckily I read that. Again be sure to actually try the products you sign up for. I have decided to not only try them, but review them on my post.
You can also sign up for the website for a one time fee of $30-$40 again, you don't need this website to make money this way, but it does help a little bit.
Is the time spent worth the money paid out?
This really depends on which part you are doing. If you are being paid to go green it depends on who you are being paid by. Some people only offer you what the website would offer you. Others offer more. The problem with this is if you choose to trade with a person who pays little or the website pays little, you don't really make a profit. On my second trade, I hade to get 100 credits in order t go green. This evened out to be about 5 offers. It took me about 2 hours to complete all five offers. This of coarse is stopping in between, and you have to be sure to clear your cookies, or they will not credit. Some offers credit instantly, and some do not. On the five of those offers I spent $29 in shipping and handling to go green. I was paid $30 to go green. This gives me $1 profit to go green. So all together in 3 hours (from the first trade I did) I made $31.
Is there a risk?
Yes, as with almost all of these making money sites there is a risk. You need your credit card and correct information for most of the offers.
Possibly, I wouldn't turn it down right away. Money is guaranteed to be made, it just how much time you have to dedicate to it. Of coarse they say time is money. The links are below, one is to the Project Payday website, if you choose you can look around, and sign up or not.
If you choose to skip the project payday and you would like to check into first, the link to one of these sites is below.
I am offering $45 for going green. This should give you a $15 profit, or more depending on which offers you complete. This will show you how the process is done, guarantee you profit, and you are making no commitments. You will also have me through the whole process for support an help.
Project Payday Webite- http://www.projectpayday.com/go/2025128
Referral Link straight to IFW website-http://golf.zbestfreebies.com/?referral=3448
You will want to sent up a paypal account. This is free and easy to do. This prevents anybody from getting your personal information that should not have it.
Another good program to download is roboform. If you don't already have it, its free, and has become my best friend. It will automatically fill out the forms for you, it makes the process alot faster.
Please look forward to future posts about products, life, and other reviews. Thank you for taking the time to read. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to email me at sdodson0810@gmail.com
Easy money,
Online Money,
Project payday,
work from home
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