I signed up yesterday, partly out of curiosity and partly out of excitement. I was automatically greeted with 6 adds. GREAT!! I made $6 in 6 min. Realizing this I had to know what the minimum payout was…..$1000…..hmmm little bit of a downer. Instead of getting discouraged I applied the thinking I used with all the other sites.
Stick with it, and when you finally reach the payout, that will be extra money you have just sitting there. WONDERFUL!!!
Seriously who couldn’t need $1000 all the time??
So sticking with it, yesterday I made six dollars, today so far I have made $14. Which puts my account balance at $20 so far for 2 days. So far no shortage of adds to click on. And I have a sign-up, which I will complete when I get home, for $10. That should put my account balance at $30. AWESOME!!!!!
Then a little birdie jumped in my ear, what if they don’t pay when I reach the $1000? Using my Google knowledge I searched for scams on them. I want hard proof that they are either good or bad, not just talk. All I was able to find was a bunch of people saying they were on their proof of payment list, but didn’t even belong to the website. HMM VERY Fishy. I could not however, find anybody who was actually with the website that has requested payment.
In further searching I found their terms page, (should have looked at this first but you know). Some things really concerned me with this page. For starters their Liability Restrictions (below)
Liability : Richptc.com will not be liable for delays or failure in performance caused by acts of God, war, terrorism, strike, labor dispute, work stoppage, fire, act of government, or any other cause, whether similar or dissimilar, beyond our control. Richptc.com reserves the right to restrict, alter, or modify fees, benefits, rules, regulations, special offers, membership terms and conditions or terminate services any time and without notice. Richptc.com, its subsidiaries, affiliates and agents are not responsible for any products and services of other program participating companies or partners.
What exactly does acts of god entail? And the fact that they can can terminate services at any time without notice? Does this mean they can cancel my account right as I reach $1000, without paying me? And they reserve the right to modify fees, and rules, and such? This all of coarse put a hole in my stomach. Only because I am young, and I am just thinking of the array of things all of this could mean.
Another part that concerned me is the Payment part (listed below):
You can request payment with your account balance has reached $1,000. Payments are made via PayPal or Alertpay only. Payment waiting time is 60 business day(s). All earnings listed and/or represented by Richptc.com are estimated value(s), actual value(s) subject to change with or without notice.
My only question to this is why 60 BUSINESS days, and what happens if the website folds within those 60 days? Or worse if they terminate my services without notice?
Unfortunatly like I said I have not found hard proof of good or bad. I am of coarse going to be checking at least every other day, waiting for just one person to reach that payout point. Until then I am going to press on, we’ll see if I get my payment or not. I will NOT be upgrading UNLESS I get my payment.
Joining this one (as with all of them) is up to you. If you join, you help reach the $1000 mark, and we can find out quicker. If not you may save yourself some time and wasted excitement. I am not recommending this one either way, but will frequently posting updates.
Cons: Unable to find any real good or bad info on them. A little iffy about their policy. When I say REAL good or bad info, I mean I want somebody who actually joined the site, made it to the $1000, and then requested payment. Not people who looked at the site and said no this looks scammy, because honestly, I think all the PTC sites look scammy, who would have thought you could make money by clicking ads?? I am willing to waste my time to know for sure.
Pros: Dollar clicks, $10 sign ups, so far new adds every day. 6 adds first day, 8 adds second day (so far)
Joined 05/07/09
Account Balance-$87 (06/01/09)
Minimum Cash out-$1000
Payment Method: Paypal or Alertbucks
Paid: $0 (06/01)
Requested Payment: No
Downline: 0
Update 06/26/09: Uh-Oh readers it seems RichPTC is down due to upgrading to a more powerful server, and should be back in 12 hours. We will see, but this is usually when they go and go for good. I will keep close eye.....
ReplyDeleteI am a premium member and have been trying to find out as well if this is a scam. I have been a premium member for 6 days and have made $447 so far. I paid $29 for my Golden 1 year membership and I have a downline of 9 people. Only 3 people are clicking and they have earned me $196 so far. With my membership I received 5 paid to sign up so i have 5 new sign ups for my Top Surfer account. I am not spending anymore money just in case it is a scam but it's exciting because I've never done this well on anyother business. I figure it will only take me another week before I can cash out so I will keep you posted. Look for my name on the payment proof.
I am a member, a little over $800 now. Will be requesting payment soon. I hope it isn't a scam but if it is, you can't believe that I will be letting everyone know all over the Internet!
ReplyDeleteHi.. I was waiting for the truth of richPTC. at this time I have been collecting $ 120 ...
i make $1000, but i must wait 60 days... i withdraw on 11.may.09... after that i will tell you is that scam or not
ReplyDeletep.s. sorry on my tarzan english
Thank you so much for all of your feedback. Yes please do inform us if it is a scam. I have heard of somebody getting paid, but they got much less than $1000, I am still waiting to find out how much they did get paid. Will still of coarse keep everybody updated.
ReplyDeleteso anybuddy got payment from richptc????
ReplyDeletei heard abt it that it is scam..
Glad I found this post.
ReplyDeleteI have a web site also regarding this kind of scam (http://q-money.info). I am also member of ritchptc (a free one) and earned about 450 USD until now. I will let you know when I reach 1000 and request the money. I will add this link also to the post related to my testing of RICHPTC site so that I remember where to look for additional information.
By the way, I have used the contact form to ask why I can’t use my money from the richptc account to buy exchange credits. No answer ever received. Honestly I see a kind of pattern that this is a scam. By the way I as a company in Romania if I would do this kind of scams to my clients I would go to jail probably. Isn't there any way to put these guys in a cold place? Anyway if it would be we should not have enough room for them. The internet is full of this kind of guys.
Unfortunatly I highly doubt we could do anything about them being a scam. Although they should go to jail, we aren't paying any money into the program (unless you upgrade), so we are really not wasting anything but our time. I am not really sure what the laws are, but I did be sure to print out the TOS page, just incase. They all seem like scams but I have actually been paid by some. Its killing me to find out for sure if this one is or not. One of my other readers will hopefully reach payout soon. I will check back with the other person who said they did recieve payout, and find out how long it took. Thank you for reading!!
ReplyDeleteWell, so far i have 694 usd, and i guess it will take more 30 days to me to get 1000 usd.
ReplyDeleteSo i think at august ill check it out and ill put on internet how much i have paid..
i think it could be not a scam. if is it, so we can just stop clicking out. :D
well first off if you think about the terms there not that different from any other, only diff is they didnt elaborate on each
ReplyDeletefailure of preformance- could mean anything from payment to downed website due to weather
modify fees and benifits- if indeed they catch some one who made 20 acounts and he is about to get paid they reserve the right to instantly take out his balance and terminate his acount or reduce it based on how much the fake refrences got him.
and the 60 days is just another way to try and not pay you- if lets say you just hit your 1000 marker if you notice it takes 60 days to get the money and 60 days for your acount to be deemed inactive, when its inactive they dont have to pay you, so there counting on some one hiting that 1000 and not touching the site again.
if you think how this works i really dont see it being a scam- richptc gets payd by websites per view. the websites geting viewd get payed by other pop ups /adds per view on thier site which inturn gives them more money to spend on more ads. so if you think about it its like a web pyramid scheme of adds. richptc profits not only from memberships but they make large amounts of money from the sites being viewd. many of the sites your payed to view are nothing but large scams with 100% income flow at all times such as the online poker site, which on more than one ocasion has been deemed as riged. which is probaly is . this means with scam sites paying richptc to draw in compulsive gamblers and or spenders they will inturn pay out more than other click sites.
i myself have just started but it really doesnt seem to be a scam if you think about it. but then again i never go all in =)
This is all very true. A lot of people would like to say the site is a scam, and not even try it. Like I mentioned if you don't upgrade your membership, then you have lost nothing but the time you would have spent searching other websites. Unfortunalty to make money takes time, and experimentation. If I didn't do anything that could be a scam, then I would never make any money. Once we realize its a scam, or not a scam...then we stop clicking and move on to the next possible scam. With these types of sites thats all we can do.
ReplyDeleteLike all the others I have asked for my pay out, in the 1st of June, so need to wait 60 + days, beacuse it does say 60 business working day, so this means 68 days we have to wait.
ReplyDeleteI will keep every one up-dated on when, and if I get paid.
Rachelle Shelly
Thank you so much Rachelle. Yes please keep us updated!!
ReplyDeleteHi... I already earned 3 different amounts of payouts... and it says that I have to wait for 60 days. Ugh... So far, it looks good. I really wanted to meet people here that already earned 1,000 dollars. Anybody already earned and received the money -- please drop me a line! Thanks.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunatly Ricky you want the same thing as everybody else. I don't understand we have so many people, yet nobody has either received payment or not.....hopefully soon it will come...
ReplyDeleteI barely started 4 days ago and I have made 67.00 still ways to go but 'ill keep checking here to see if its real or not dont want to get my hopes up and at the end all this be a scam please let us know!
ReplyDeleteWell, it did not hurt me for trying this same thing for free. No cost but fun for me and I did not spend my money on this, personally. I am really really looking forward to hear from people who already earned, requested, even recieved. That's all I am interested to hear. People says it is scam, they cannot say it until they "did" it. I'd quote, "Action speaks, Talk is Cheap and worthless. Go ahead and take a risk, I will get an answer at the end, then I will know and have a say for this. You have to go through this to deserve a right to say." However, everyone is entitled to their opinion. I totally understand you and I am with you that there are so many people... they probably did their homework and knew they'd get money. Again, when I get money, I let you guys know!! (Well, the rule says that I have to wait 60 days to receive. First payout due in July. Ugh! Ha!) I am glad I did this RichPTC for free. Why NOT! Until then, PEACE!!!
ReplyDeleteVery true Ricky. The only thing it cost to try is your time. Remember thats 60 business days, and we will be patiently waiting. Please Please let us know!!!
ReplyDeleteMost definetly, it seems like finding that one person who actually completed it is impossible. Maybe its a consipiracy theory who knows lol. Hopefully Ricky will find out before everybody wasts hundreds of hours....
ReplyDeleteExcellent... You do the same! Thanks and Good Luck!
please post the if you get the $ after 60 dyas, i have 400$ now
ReplyDeleteSo is the scam just in the fact that the sites linked from PTC pay them based on how many views they get? Meaning we don't lose any money (assuming we don't spend any) but they gain it?
ReplyDeleteI've read of people getting their accounts unactivated after reaching 1000 and days before their payout.
I am a member of RICHptc. I paid for the Platinum $55.00 membership and cashed out over $3,000.00 this month. I have been informed by a couple members that they have received payout this month. It says 60 days but it is business days, so it takes about 68 days, but the site pays.
ReplyDelete= )
Please let us know when YOU receive payout or have those members show us proof of payment just to ease our minds a little bit. Rich PTC seems to be like big foot. Everybody knows somebody through a line of people that has seen him, but yet no evidence.
ReplyDeleteHey guys! :) I''s good to have found this! I wasearching for someone who receved payment.. and till haven't found one. I hope you can keep us posted, we need some evidence before wasting our time...
ReplyDeleteI am also on the point where I am not sure if are genuine or scam. When I put up a discussion about Rich PTC on mylot, the respnses were negative. Some said , it's a waste of time on wasting time on PTC sites, some say, if they are paying $1 per click ,definitely its scam.
ReplyDeleteEVen if we calculate on our own. Just imaginee like u, me and others click on this ad of "ig Money PTC" to earn that $1 dollar. For an estimate 500 members clicked this ad on this rich PTC site. Do u think this bigmoney site will pay $500 dollars to rich pTC. Actually speaking The "BigMoney Site" has to pay more than $500 to "RichPTC" as "RichPTC" will make a profit out of it a and then share the money to their members.. Is it believable that any PTC site would earn such a big amount pf revenue to to spend $500 for their company ad? God knows how they've got a payment prof. I did see a comment on another site saying the Rich PTC site has mentioned that person's username for beimg paid on the payment proof. Very few say they were paid.
If each of us want to figure if it's genuine or scam we have to earn $1000 and then wait for 60 days to see if were paid. Or before that if our account at RICHPTC site got terminated
I am too waiting for to see if any one comments about saying they got paid. I am too on that site. testing out....
ReplyDeleteIt seems Richptc is the hottest topic so far. I have so many comments on just this one post yet very very few on the others. Either way....I have not reached payout as I notice that my ads have gone down significantly I am only get about 6 a day. Which will take me forever to reach payout, thankfully there are people that have already been able to request payout. We just have to patiently wait to see if it is received, unfortunatly we have to see if those people will come back and tell us or not....
ReplyDeleteI requested payout about a week ago. The funny part is that I expected to see my name on the payment proof, but I guess they dont put it on there until you have been actually paid. Now comes the waiting game. I will report back if I get paid or not. The owner of Rich PTC is the same owner of Big Money PTC, and I have made a payment request on both last week, so if one doesn't pay, pretty sure the other won't either. I will report back. :)
ReplyDeletePatience, Patience and Patience are the Biggest key for the better results. I already requested three different amounts. I made comments here that I did for fun since it did not cost me anything. So, I have 3,000 dollars on way in July. I am going to be patient, clicking to earn a little bit extra to keep my account active and looking forward to the day I receive. Keep in mind, if you are inactive for 60 days, your account is automatically closed. Just earn 5 clicks, then forget for the day, do it again every other day to keep your account active. Yeah, it sucks to wait for 68 days (I mean 60 business days) to get money. Nothing I'd lose or gain. I know few girls in their blogs -- via mylot.com. they confirmed that they got their money. So, have O'le little faith and be patient. Your day wll come. I'd say same thing to myself. Peace and Cheers!
ReplyDeleteThis is great, two more people requested payout, thats two more possibilities we will find the truth. Please please respond back.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I saw my name on the payout proof. couple weeks ago. I won't believe them until I get paid -- thats all matters. I quit checking the payout proof for my peace's sake. Ha!
ReplyDeleteI read a lot of articles at mylot that there are plenty of PTC potential earnings at different sites, showing plenty of payout proofs in profile - I mean, they took screenshots of paid transactions that they got money. Right now, personally -- I just click 5 Ads every other day to keep my account active (or be terminated after 60 days for being an inactive clicker.) I quit checking the status of payout becuase PayPal notifies me once it is posted (it's a great feature to let me know that Deposits are posted.) Peace/Cheers!
Nobody that appears on the paymant proof list has commented in any post like this one! That's rare... I'm just waiting like you peoples, let's see what's happen!
ReplyDeletesorry for the horrible¿? english, i'm from Argentina!
Nice article!
Hey, I never thought I'd mention the link of Mylot that consists so much information regarding PTC sites. Here is the link to my mylot profile and you can take from there. This is the discussion/blog group. Be sure to use keyword to search the name of PTC and so on. http://www.myLot.com?ref=endyxy1 You can return to this site, report us what you find. I mean there is so huge source. Not just PTC sites, you will see movies, interests, etc -- good enough to discuss and meet new friends. I exchanged an information on PTC. I signed up one of their PTC as referral, one of them signed up one of my PTC sites as referral. It was the nice thing. Let us know what you found and share with us here...
ReplyDeleteIs this your referal link for mylot? If so do you mind if I use it in my mylot post? I am already a member of mylot, I do love it, but I would like to use your referal link to thank you for being a reader. Please let me know, Thank You!
ReplyDeleteToday i was working on other ptc sites after a little search i found richptc.com so i visit it and when i come to know that it pay's 1$ for every click i really surprize bcoz it is not possible that any site can pay 1$ per click so i think it is absoultely scam.
Therefore i will wait until anybody say with evidence proof that it is scam or not?
keep in touch and make updates
Thanks and Regards
sdodson0809 -- Sure, you may. If you have one, you can use with your mylot account. all we can do is to request friends, we add each other. then we are set.
ReplyDeleteglad we have our mylot. i have been reading articles regarding PTC and PTR clicks. Worth reading before signing up sites and knowing which is good site.
I have requested my $1013.50 on June 22,2009 and so far I have to wait until the end of August. I asked 2 people that are on the proof page and they both said they got paid and it did take 60 days. I am really looking forward to this money I hope it is not a scam. I am almost at $300 in just 5 days please let this not be a scam
ReplyDeletePlease read my Experiment post thank you!
Anonymous said... (Whoever commented this) "... I asked 2 people that are on the proof page and they both said they got paid and it did take 60 days."
ReplyDeleteSeriously?????? Can you do all of us a favor? Have them take the screenshot of paid transaction -- as long as they cross out their private email address and PayPay ID. We are interested in whether we will get paid. Again - cross out the private email address and account id for their security. If they don't know how to do it, I AM MORE THAN HAPPY to guide them to take screenshot and instruct them to cross out their private details and post their screenshots over here. We are sooooo dying to know whether we will be paid. LOL. Peace/Cheers!
Just like some examples of screenshots (aka photos) in my mylot profile:
This may help you some ideas. Thank you!
Hi! It would be better to get in contact with someone who has been payed so far..anybody know how I can contact them?
Okay, So I had mentioned before that the owner of Rich ptc & Big Money ptc was the same owner. Now he has decided to remove the exchange clicks on both sites, which means no more free advertising for exchange credits. LOL.. Also, I have noticed on big ptc which is the one I have $2,000 pending to be paid, hasn't refreshed the surf ads for a couple of days, not allowing you to click on anything, which will probably make the account inactive. Unless the are having some problems, or modifying the site, it doesn't look good.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the screenshots of the paypal transaction from my point of view is worfless. I can give you a screenshoot on my paypal account with everything that you want. I don't think there is a real way of prouving that a payment was received except when you actually trust the guy. For example if I would make that screenshot it would make sens top believe me because I am also waiting for that magical payment :)
ReplyDeleteHello Everyone!
ReplyDeleteHaven't you guys noticed that both Big Money PTC & Rich PTC are having problems with there ads?? Also haven't you noticed that the site keeps going down?? Hmm...We'll just to give you a background on the owner of these sites, he is 24 years old, and this is what he posted on his myspace page. Quote "I am an evil little creature that haunts the internet that makes people who know how to type look like idiots". Wow, great professional were dealing with. I don't expect to receive a dime from this dildo.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteI accidentally deleted the last comment not realizing what it what actually do. Sana asked what happens when she clicks on my google links. I receive money from google. Not a lot, but everytime somebody clicks on a link, I get a certain percentage of what that advertiser pays google. I don't get paid until I reach minimum payout which I don't know what is, and I have like $2 in my account, sooooo unless you have a lot of readers its really not worth it, but on the other side......it is making money without realizing it.
ReplyDeleteRicky, It seems you should be paid already...Have you recieved the money finally?
ReplyDeleteRichy, have you get money finally?
ReplyDeletebeleive me when i say guys that this site is a complete scam and there is alot a proof, some of the people who they clamed to have paid are not even members of the site a typical example of this is at http://www.earnmoneyspace.com/forum/index.php?topic=13429.msg126963
ReplyDeleteif you plan to wait for payments for 60 days after keep wasting your time and another typical example other than rich ptc is hellishdollars guys, its more like common sense to know if these sites are scams or not
Hey, there are couple comments requesting me whether I receive money. Not Yet!! First payout is due around July 27th. 2nd payout is due in August. So far, not yet.
ReplyDeleteAnybody got the money?
Just found a website regarding boycotts and scams. You can investigate websites: http://www.gptboycott.com/
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen RichPTC on the list. Any help? Please always link the resources. I want the FACTS! I don't want one's complaints based on hearsay. FACTS!
I think until it is proven to be a scam we should give it a chance. I am almost to the payout amount. I agree it seems suspicious but if your not spending any money on it then what can it hurt to try?
ReplyDeleteHi All,
ReplyDeleteHope I'm not late to the party. Like eveyone here I'm keen to see if this is a scam or not. It's taken me a while to get to the $1000 although I do have say over half that is thanks to my dowline. I've just requested my first payout so I'll let you know how that goes. BTW I'm not going to leave my name or RichPTC id cause I'm keen to hear and help others and don't want to appear self promoting. If this proves to be true, beleive me I'll be prenty promoting.
payment proof please anyone?
ReplyDeleteI have joined as free member but there are only adds for premium and upgrade members in rich ptc site. Do anybody recomend me to upgrade considering all above disucssion?
ReplyDeleteJoy Isaac
I have reached the $ 1090.00 mark on June 30th and then again $ 1120.00 on July 12th so I have to wait until September 22nd, 2009 and October 2nd to see if this is for real. I am still going to click everyday and I have several people in my downline clicking because I can't find any proof that it is a scam so I will be clicking until 9/22/09. Think positive, it's not that hard to click.
ReplyDeleteAs we still have no real proof on if RIch PTC is paying or not, I don't recommend upgrading. Then it will be a money wasting issue, instead of just a time wasting issue. Hopefully somebody will come back to us with real proof....
ReplyDeleteYeah, I have to agree with those people -- Recommend NOT to upgrade. No proofs that they pay.
ReplyDeleteSomeone says that it is not that hard to click. Absolutely true -- however, I still advise not to upgrade - No proofs, yet.
I am so eager to promote the RichPTC to my friends so they can earn the money and help out each other - that'd be wonderful! However, still --- no proofs that they pay.
I am looking forward to the last week of July, that's when I get my first payout.
Meanwhile, don't spend too much clicking on RichPTC after you requested payouts. What I did is to click few clicks every other day, then forget it for the couple days -- I have to get a life and enjoy wonderful sunny days. Cheers!
I requested payment on on th June the 17th and im still waiting. Hope it is real spent most of my time on this site. I will keep you updated. But to my math I should get paid on August the 24th.
ReplyDeleteRichPTC says $111,485.21 paid out so I´d like to know where can I find those lucky people. I think that they kill those people as soon as they get paid. rsrsrsrsrs....
ReplyDeleteI'M on the sister site (bigmoneyptc.com) and I also worry about that payments.
I withrawed 3 payment already since 20th June.
I've read a lot of feedback about that site, and the richptc. I think is 70% chance that they are scam and 30% they are not. I risked the gold membership, becouse if is works it is easy money.
And how could it work?
There is 150.000 users on richptc at the moment. Supose that just 20% of the usres buyed (only one month) golden membership upgrade, taht means they have at least $300.000. And that is just a fiction. And the usres are buying the credit packages, and platiunum upgrades, and the owners has 60 worikng days to pay. That is sound good not? They can pay, for a while. Until the outgoing amount not nears the incoming.
Anyway. 60 workign day in the USA is 30 weeks (plus bank holidays), becouse the worikng days in USA just monday-friday. My first payment was on the 20th june so my first payment due on 14th september. I hope I will hear something good from that sites until that time.
Hey guys, i'm waiting for my payment also. I should know something by the end of July. Rich ptc has over 100,000 members. Somewhere people know this site pays. I have a feeling that they do. Maybe not $1,000 but close. Whatever happens i will let you know.
ReplyDeleteI have another thought. With over a 100,000 members, where are the angry people who did not get paid. I have searched high and low. The only thing i can find is hearsay.
Blahhh join this site still waiting for you others to say if you got paid.... All i see is "Waiting to get paid and all that blahh blahh..so im guessing it is a scam.
ReplyDeleteI emailed the guy that supposly is the owner at lease when you google his name it took me right to his myspace which I did not see anything bad on ther. He is the owner of many ptc sites but Rich PTC was not one that was listed. I asked him if he thought it was a scam and he said it is revenue based meaning you may get paid but not what you requested it is based on what they made and some people may get paid some may not. I have requested 2 payouts since June 22nd so I have to wait until September sometime to find out if it is alt all true.
ReplyDeleteI guess the same, 'till somebody say: The time has gone, I haven't been paid.
The question is not where the angrà people, the question where are the delighted people...
god please someone got paid? i just search for it like a week ago, so lets see for those people who says they are waiting for the "60 days" period,,,,,......
ReplyDeleteAww, I did not see my two comments posted. That's cool with me.
ReplyDeleteNext week is my first payout due. (8 Business Days left to receive my first payout.) Then, I let you know first things first right after the PayPal transaction is complete.
A note for the Owner of this site: Can I be allowed to post a screenshot of a paid transaction? And what happened to my two recent comments that didn't post. Please email privately and let me know whether violated? Thank you.
Ricky my friend,
ReplyDeleteI assure you, you are one of my favorite readers. If a comment of yours did not get posted I assure you it was pure mistake. I have been waiting anxiously to see if you receive payment or not, and I always enjoy reading your comments. Please do accept my apologies. You may post your payment proof, I have no problem with it, if you can figure out how to do it....I have been unsuccessful. Please ricky accept my deepest regrets to not posting your comments, I shall make it up to you by posting one of your referal links and joining. Please give me a selection of ones you have to be sure I am able to sign up.
Thank you for reading, and posting!!
Sweet! You are forgiven. For now, I haven't had a great referral link for you to join or sign up. Those links are still "undergo," or "in progress." Hope there is something legitimate that I find and have you to join or sign up. You already have MyLot. Darn! LoL.
Hello Everyone:
ReplyDeleteI posted earlier (in May)(littlemomma16)and just wanted to say that I have now requested 6000 from Rich PTC. My first request was May 22, 2009 so my first payment should be soon. I read somewhere on-line that someone got paid $10 for their 1000. Anyway I will know soon if its a scam or not and will post again.
ReplyDeleteBy the wey, if you requested the payout on 22th May, that means the 60 buisness day ends on 14th August + 1 more day, wich was a Bank holiday (Memorial day, 25th May). So you won't get the result 'till that date I'm affraid.
I think its 1 cent instead of 1 dollar...and 10 cents instead of 10 dollars...and 10 bucks instead of 1000...thats just my opinion because no one can pay there users that much.
ReplyDeleteHi everybody!
ReplyDeleteI recived a letter from the sister site www.bigmoneyptc.com admin.
"Hello *****
Your account details are:
Username: *****
Email: *****
Account Balance: $ 401.00800
We have been receiving many questions regarding payment times, and we would like to remind all members that payments are done within 60 business days. Also once you have received your payment, please post payment proof for others to see your success.
We have been signing advertising deals with some big companies in the USA and Worldwide and we should have more ads for you to view very soon.
Thank you for being a member of Big Money PTC, if you have any questions or comments please contact us.
Big Money PTC Staff"
So that means they want to pay?
Ricky did you get paid yet? Please say yes
ReplyDeleteWhat was the exact day, when you withdrawed, the first 1.000$ ?
Ricky did you get paid yet?
ReplyDeletepls tell us the answer.....
Greetings Everyone,
ReplyDeleteI'm also a member of RichPTC & BigMoneyPTC. Currently I'm over $6000 on both sites. My 60th day for my 1st payout will be the last week of Aug 2009 (for Both Sites). That will be a total of over $3000. Will come back to let you all know how it turns out.
I got the same email as posted above. It came from RichPTC.
ReplyDeletei have recently joined rich ptc..and have been searching on the net to find out if anyone has been paid so far..and havent found any..would appreciate if someone who has been paid by them replied to give us all some assurance..
This is a total scam I received and email from them ( same as the top email )and when i loged in to my account,My account was o.ooo and I had 400.00!!I'm not going to do it no more until I see proof,I spend my time doing this when I could of being on the site that has send me 3 checks already!
ReplyDeleteHello everybody! I was in the moving transition, away from the computer for a week. July 28th was the due and as of today, July 31 - No money in my PayPal account -- yet. Sorry! I will give it a day or two, then I contact the owner.
ReplyDeleteYes, I received the same email you all talked about. It said that I would have 24 dollars on way --- but no money yet.
Now, I am going back to unpacking boxes. Good Night.
Ricky come on man don't be so mysterious!!! tell us!!!
ReplyDeletei'm also waiting to be paid by richptc ... hoping for the best
ReplyDeleteHello every body.
ReplyDeleteI am just begining with PTC sites specifically with rich PTC and i am looking information.
Please Rick, do you have any information? We apreciate your information.
Best regards from Venezuela
So did anybody get paid? I've only been on the Rich PTC site for a few days but it does sound kinda fishy, so if anybody could write something new it'd be great.
ReplyDeleteGuys RichPTC and BigmoneyPTC both are scam.
ReplyDeleteI had $1,010.00 in both accounts and I hit a payout button on 05/02/2009. I have been waiting since then and today it's August 8, 2009. I haven't gotten a dime from them.
I hope you guys don't waste your time.
Love and Peace:)
update this blog please!!! we want to know what ricky says!! did u or did u not ricky my friend?????
ReplyDeleteSo did anyone get paid or not??? It'd be nice to hear from someone, btw the site has been down for 2 days now :(
ReplyDeletedid any body get the money?
ReplyDeleteis o not fake??????????????????????????????
ReplyDeleteSome sites put rich ptc in their scam section. When it seems to good to be true, it is probably..
Why did this post died??? I read all the post and still.... i dont know if its a scam or not..... could somebody be so kind to tell me if its a scam or not?
ReplyDeleteJust started today and made 11.00 so far
ReplyDeleteI Am registered also & I want to know how much the payout fee % is & IF ANYONE has been paid... I'll be back to check any updates.
Hello Everybody,
ReplyDeleteI am a member with RichPTC since April and till now i have requested 5 payments which is in total $5044.48, below is the copy paste from my pending payments list.
Request Date Method Account Fee Net
Jul 15, 2009 Paypal xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx $0.00 $1002.00 Click To Cancel
Jun 17, 2009 Paypal xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx $0.01 $1011.99 Click To Cancel
Jun 09, 2009 Paypal xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx $0.01 $1017.99 Click To Cancel
May 29, 2009 Paypal xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx $0.00 $1012.50 Click To Cancel
May 10, 2009 Paypal xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx $0.00 $1000.00 Click To Cancel
June 09 and June 17 payments are those when i had Upgraded to Premium for a month and the rest are all during Free membership and i have 5 people in my downline who have become all inactive after hearing that i myself haven't got paid yet even after crossing the 60 days time period for 3 payemtns i have not been paid yet.
I am truly curious as all of you in finding out if Rich PTC pays. I was introduced to the "opportunity" by a friend that thought it may benefit my wealth builder's club -- We show people a zero out-of-pocket way to create wealth (legitamately) of course. Although our plan is effective and can create daily cash immediately ($50 to $150 and more), I never want to put my head in the sand and pretend as though there is nothing else out there that can earn fast cash with zero out of pocket. So, I decided to join Rich PTC. It seems this is the month that a few of you should be getting paid. But my mouth dropped when I heard that Ricky was expecting a $24 pay out rather than $1000. What a big disappointment! I thought about promoting my opportunity on Rich PTC, but if they don't live up to their word, then they are not a business I want to associate with, let alone give my advertising dollars to.
ReplyDeleteI just stumbled on this site and am greatful to see all the comments. It has alerted me to the fact that this is not an opportunity I would want to mention to my membership -- not until I see without a doubt Rich PTC lives up to their claims.
anyone yet received any payment from Rich PTC?
ReplyDeleteHi... any neww if Ricky got or not his money ?? Thanks
ReplyDeletei requested for my payment on the 12th of june and until now, i have yet to receive the same
ReplyDeletewell i reach the payout but richptc is completly a scam cause they deleted my accoun fomr their database for not pay me, so dont work hard cuz it doesnt worth the pain...
ReplyDeleteAnyone get paid yet?
ReplyDeleteSorry for the lack of posting readers. Took a Mommy break and welcomed my brand new baby Dakota into the world on August 3rd. Back to business...it almost seems if rich ptc has hitmen that go out and kill anybody expecting payment....Ricky our dear friend must have been their latest target as his payout date has come and past and yet no comments from ricky. Thankfully there are other people who have found us and showed us that they are past their payout date and still awaiting their money. Needless to say it is finally safe to say scam. We all bow our heads in a moment of silence to our lost friend ricky. He was a good man who died in the line of duty......I will continue to post comments but I have made up my mind of Rich PTC and will no longer update anything else. Please be sure to look at some of my other postings for other websites.
ReplyDeleteHello everybody! It's time for my updates. I haven't received my payouts. I am still waiting for my first and second payouts. Both have past 60 business days -- Still no money.
ReplyDeleteWell, what can I say to you? My advice is to look for websites that deal with the complaints against RichPTC.
No luck for me. I moved on.
Yes, it is safe to say SCAM as loud as you scream. LOL.
ReplyDeleteI haven't yet settled down with my move. New job kept me away from the internet.
The response I can say is that I haven't received my first and second payouts. Third and Fourth are due on last week of September. Fifth and last payout is due on second week of October. Well, it's safe to say that RichPTC is Big Scam because this is affecting everybody else now.
Hi guys, any news about anybody being paid, or not being paid?
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry for those who got your hopes up.
ReplyDeleteIt says 60 business days... well I've waited over 70 business days and nothing... not even a single penny.
If I get paid (which would be a miracle) I will definately post my payment proof.
WELCOME BACK! We have wondered about you Ricky. So yes as confirmed as a definite by our good friend Ricky Rich PTC is a scam. With the baby coming I have since forgot the majority of the sites I was working. I have since started over I have 6 ptc sites, and 3 referal exchange sites. Ricky tell us what is your new venture? I hope that everybody reads the rest of my posts and thanks for everybodies help with this site.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad, I've come across this page. I am hoping that Richptc is not a scam. But from the comments I read, it looks that its a scam. I've been a member of ptc for 2 days and it made me curious if its a scam or not.. sigh..
ReplyDeleteIf it's scam, what can we do? Report the website? More people will be joining knowing that they will earn but if not, people should be warned that it is a complete scam....
guys i got $1000 and i got paid thats to answer ur question :P
ReplyDeletehey guys i reached the $1000 mark and it actually came in 71 days : S but i got my money and i went to buy something. I asked them if it was fraud becuz i got it from ptc site they said no, and i bought my xbox360 : ))))) so happy now. there's ur answer
ReplyDeleteTo the two newest comments on getting paid. Please provide proof of payment if paid....How much money did you actually get? And why anonymous name?? could you be the creater of RichPTC doing a little bit of damage control?? please if not a scam provide us with proof of payment. you can even send it to my e-mail sdodson0809@gmail.com and I will be more than happy to post it.
ReplyDeleteWhat? I have three payouts waiting to be paid to me. I haven't gotten my money yet.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe this until I see for myself. Seeing is believeing. I checked my PayPal balance -- Still no money from RichPTC. Once they pay me, I will believe myself.
In total payout of three, it would be about $3475.00 in my PayPal account. I am still waiting.
Hey how about adflasher.net? I have joined that one to...I hope it is not...if so hope to find out before spending money on it. Yea, the richPTC sees to be a fake...I will stop wasting time, since I have only wasted one day. Post the account of the money going in....I don't beleive it one bit.
ReplyDeleteWhat are some good ptc sites that do pay and you can say u received payment from? I am a stay at home mother of two, looking for extra ways to earn money online. Thanx
hi guys,please give us some proof of payments you received from RICHPTC..
ReplyDeleteGuys got paid, please give us some proof of your payments from Rich PTC
ReplyDeleteI'm about 30 days pass my rich ptc payment due date. I have conceded it to be a scam! That's why i started my own gpt site. You can't trust many website these days. So you might as well start your own. I guess that's $4,000 i won't ever see.
ReplyDeleteRodney AKA Rodstar
im waiting for my 7000 $ dollars been a member sincce june 12
ReplyDeleteI Also have cashed out over $3000 and I am waiting for the 60 days. I do believe that it is a scam. If you havent been payed, contact Paypal and report this Guy as a scammer. He uses Paypal for his site. They need to shut him down. We all need to report him NOW. I have already done so.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading this comments I decided to delete the referral link in my blog. It's shameful to promote it and after wasting your time they will not pay you even a single cent. Thanks for posting this.
ReplyDeleteHey all,
ReplyDeleteI am new here,I reached pay out for rich ptc about a week ago,so I am waiting my 60 - 72 days.probably is a scam.
But I just wanted to let you know there is a free social site called PTCWorld that caters to PTC admins. and clickers.
The owner of the site is very nice and is almost always in the chat room.
She posts the legit ptc sites that she knows the admin of or has been paid from,and posts the ones that are fake.If you are a clicker this is a really informative site.
My name is Lisa and I just found this forum.
If I get paid I will post proof.
Rich Ptc was a scam - no website can afford to pay you that much. Only one website paid me in all my ptc ventures - Trekpay.com. I received another $5.53 from them today via paypal. Unlike other ptc sites this site is actually a search/click site.
ReplyDeleteIf you'd consider joining me this is my referral link :
I get 15 credits/referral. 15 credits will be about 12 cents (approx.)
Hi All,
ReplyDeleteI've put in my payment three times. I've reached the 60 days and I am still waiting. It's only been around 63-64 days. I've heard that it can sometimes take up to two weeks after the 60 days and one guy said it took 14 days after the 60, and lastly one person said they got it after 90 days. If I don't get anything by the end of Nov., I will know that it is a scam. I will only come back if I get paid and if I don't post again on this blog, you will know that I didn't.
Take Care.
If they were paying 1.00 a click they would have to charge $1000.00 dollars for 1000 clicks.
ReplyDeleteThey charge $5.00 for 1000 clicks. Unless they have money to burn we will all get burned.
Hi All
ReplyDeleteI am Admin:Steve from megojoe.com
I have bad News for you all about
Rich PTC They have more them one website and it is very easy to check if they are paying call paypal.com 1800 number and ask them if they are realy paying what they say I did and I gave the link to there proff of payment to the paypal laddy I was talking to and she when to it and then said that she would have to call me back about it. They never called so I call them and Paypal.com said those payments on there proff of payment list for paypal (OR NOT REAL) and if I wash She could make a report for me.
The payment Proff is fake.
The owner of Rich PTC was easy to find they use ClickBank Ads on all the website and if you make a report at ICCANN for SCAM they have to over 4000 before they shout the Domainname off!!
Yeah I requested a payout on the second of august for $3291.50 I only got it on the 16th of october but I did not get anywhere near $3291!
ReplyDeleteWant to know the truth? They payed me $7.81
Its just a scam.
rich ptc is a scam i reached 1000$ but i didnt receive any payments k>>.so dont try it k
ReplyDeletehi all, the last post was on September. What happened, did anyone get to the conclusion on the site RichPTC?? I signed in 5days back in that site...If anyone of you got to any conclusion, would u please as a fren suggest me whether to stick on to it or leave it..!!!
ReplyDeletedon,t waste the time..nobody giv you money for free...these are scam
ReplyDeleteScam for sure. Lots of sites say they will pay you when you reach the minimum payout and it's a lie. They say payment is guaranteed and it's a trick for stupid people. There's no way too make easy money except through the stock and casinos where chance of loss is high.
ReplyDeleteI have waiting for over 60 days NO PAYMENT, I have writen them 5 emails asking when payment will be made, they have not answered 1 of the emails. I finally emailed and told them they would get my $1000 worth of advertments.