There are so many work from home, and make money online programs on the web today, it is hard to decide which ones are for real, and which ones are not. Which ones are really worth the money and time you are putting into them. Can you really make money when you need it from them? I am here to let you know about different ones that I have tried.
One of the first ones I have tried is Project Payday. Project Payday shows you how to make money using IFW's. You do not need Project Payday for this, but they do walk you through it. With in the first day I did make $50, I spent about $20 to make that, so a profit of $30 isn't bad at all. However this was just a training trade.
There are two ways IFW's work. One is "going Green" this is where you are paid by a certain person, or website to "go green" for them. The way you go green is complete offers on the website. Some are trial offers, some are website sign-ups, and there are other things.
The second way to make money with IFW's is to pay for people to go green. This is supposed to be where the real money is. This one is more work, you have to find people that will go green for you. Project Payday helps with this, they help you find the people.
The start up cost for this website is to complete an offer, the offer I completed was for $1.97, for auction mentor. It was a 14 day trial. I canceled it in time, but did actually try it out. This is a must. It is only fair to actually try the products you sign up for. If you don't like it, cancel before your trial ends. If you do, keep it. Either way check the fine print to be sure when you have to cancel by, how much it will cost if its not canceled, and if there are any specific instructions. One product I signed up for, had to be back in the factory by the cancel date. Luckily I read that. Again be sure to actually try the products you sign up for. I have decided to not only try them, but review them on my post.
You can also sign up for the website for a one time fee of $30-$40 again, you don't need this website to make money this way, but it does help a little bit.
Is the time spent worth the money paid out?
This really depends on which part you are doing. If you are being paid to go green it depends on who you are being paid by. Some people only offer you what the website would offer you. Others offer more. The problem with this is if you choose to trade with a person who pays little or the website pays little, you don't really make a profit. On my second trade, I hade to get 100 credits in order t go green. This evened out to be about 5 offers. It took me about 2 hours to complete all five offers. This of coarse is stopping in between, and you have to be sure to clear your cookies, or they will not credit. Some offers credit instantly, and some do not. On the five of those offers I spent $29 in shipping and handling to go green. I was paid $30 to go green. This gives me $1 profit to go green. So all together in 3 hours (from the first trade I did) I made $31.
Is there a risk?
Yes, as with almost all of these making money sites there is a risk. You need your credit card and correct information for most of the offers.
Possibly, I wouldn't turn it down right away. Money is guaranteed to be made, it just how much time you have to dedicate to it. Of coarse they say time is money. The links are below, one is to the Project Payday website, if you choose you can look around, and sign up or not.
If you choose to skip the project payday and you would like to check into first, the link to one of these sites is below.
I am offering $45 for going green. This should give you a $15 profit, or more depending on which offers you complete. This will show you how the process is done, guarantee you profit, and you are making no commitments. You will also have me through the whole process for support an help.
Project Payday Webite-
Referral Link straight to IFW website-
You will want to sent up a paypal account. This is free and easy to do. This prevents anybody from getting your personal information that should not have it.
Another good program to download is roboform. If you don't already have it, its free, and has become my best friend. It will automatically fill out the forms for you, it makes the process alot faster.
Please look forward to future posts about products, life, and other reviews. Thank you for taking the time to read. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to email me at
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Project Payday
Easy money,
Online Money,
Project payday,
work from home
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